/d/ → /ʤ/
Here we have our second case of coalescence, one in which the alveolar /d/ followed by the palatal /j/ turns into the post-alveolar /ʤ/. Like the /t/ becoming /ʧ/ process, it’s an extremely common case and, thus, well worth learning.
/d/ (followed by /j/) becomes /ʤ/
Would you mind closing the window?
Did you know he was my friend?
And here are some examples from real life:
If you go back several hundred years, you can see that… (Michael Rosen, BBC4). |ˈhʌndrəd ˈjɪəz| → |ˈhʌndrə ˈdʒɪəz|
Once you got the Papacy, you can then use it to embed your family not only in ecclesiastical positions but also in aristocratic positions (Evelyn Welch, BBC4).
|ɪmˈbed jɔː ˈfæməli| → |ɪmˈbe dʒɔː ˈfæməli|
Would audiences be surprised by how hard you sometimes work [in]to create that very naturalistic performance? (Lauren Laverne, BBC3).
The point about this training was, it prepared you to either to be secretary to a leading nobleman or for council. It prepared you to actually enter the political world, and these subjects were at the heart of the Renaissance curriculum that courtiers were supposed to learn (John Guy, BBC4).
Again, this can be found within a single word very frequently:
The pendulum is very definitely swinging back the other way at present (John Hines, BBC4). /ˈpendjələm/ → /ˈpendʒələm/
Alexander was brought up and educated with a very close group of young noble Macedonian friends (Rachel Mairs, BBC4). /ˈedjʊkeɪtɪd/ → /ˈedʒukeɪtɪd/
And later, fifty years later, [he] engaged in a duel with a fire-breathing dragon (Melvyn Bragg, BBC4). /ˈdjuːəl/ → /ˈdʒuːəl/ Notice that, because of this assimilation, duel becomes a homophone of jewel.
And here is a word that is pronounced only in one way, the assimilated form: